Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Journal

Ilustration (taken from )

After watched "Girls" the scene when a couple wanna breakup "just" (can I say "just" ?)
because the man read a journal. you can easily breakup "just" because a journal? (-___-)

I don't how many people have a (the) journal(s) in their lives.
I have few but sometimes I forgot I have them:))
Sometimes I just don't know what the different between diary and journal.
I use those things for the exact same thing: TO WRITE
 *yeaaahh, of course*

This is the definition of journal (oxford dictionary):


  • 1a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity:medical journals [in names]:the Wall Street Journal
  • 2a daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary: while abroad he had kept a journal
  • Nautical a logbook.
  • (the Journals) a record of the daily proceedings in the Houses of Parliament.
  • (in bookkeeping) a daily record of business transactions with a statement of the accounts to which each is to be debited and credited.
  • 3the part of a shaft or axle that rests on bearings.

So,  journal and diary are equal.
I use it to write my short stories (fiction of course) you never knew when your inspiration come.
Cause they come and go as their like.
but I don't (never) use it to write my private or dialy live in it.

One thing for sure:
Do not believe of what you read in the journal.
Not every one use it wo write down their daily lives.
Do not take it too seriously.
I might be not the only one who write down the short stories in the journal.

“Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea for ever.”
Will Self

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Things We Should Learn From The Carrie Diares (Season 1)

The Carrie Diaries

Everybody knows "Sex  and the City"  so do I.
I looove it alot!!
Not the "sex" part but I love every wardrobe in every episode, totally FLAWLESS!
And the best part is the quotes: the prologue and the epilogue.
One of the great Candace Bushnell I love..
 but after Sex and the City has reached their very last episode come the great prequel of it
"The Carrie Diaries". The first time I found out this prequel I can't wait to watch it.
especially it has the 1984 as their setting.
can' t wait to see the wardrobe. I love Patricia Field's work at the series.

The next best thing I love about The Carrie Diaries is we can learn many things from it:
1. Sometimes something good happen after bad things happen
Remember the early episode of  The Carrie Diaries when her mom died?
She's very sad.Luckly she has her best friends around her.
Few days after the bad news,her dad come to school to offer her the internship job
at a law firm in Manhattan.
A great opportunity for a high school students.

2. Let's turn something awful into something great
Remember when Gorrit ruin their mother bag?
That cute bag turn into something awful.
If I'm on that situation maybe I won't wear it but thank God Carrie doesn't did that.
She turn that awful bag into something great.
As great as piece of art.
And with  that piece of art,Carrie has the opportunity to work as an intern in "Interview Magazine"
conclusion:  We can make great things in our lives if we want to

 3.Women always waiting for the great momen to say " I Love You"
To say I love you is a hard thing to do for a women.
Yes, Carrie Bradshaw proof it.
I remember the scene when Carrie and Sebastian played monopoly
"I love you, Carrie Bradshaw"
"I wanna have sex with you" <-- that what Carrie said.

She knew that it's a mistake and she should say "I love you too" but she just waiting for the perfect moment.
That's women..that's us
we always wait for the perfect moment to say I love you.
We want everything was so perfect.
We just overthinking it.
Trust me, when we (women) say I love you is a huge thing.
So, men..please value us

Monday, December 16, 2013

What makes human, human?

What makes us human, human?
I think about it all times.
And maybe some of us did this too.
The anwer it depends on the things that we've been through.

Mr. Deepak Chopra said "What makes us human is that we think about the Gods and they think about us"
Well, I'm not as wise as Mr.  Deepak Chopra so I have my own opinion about it.

 What makes human, human?

The upside down that we've been through makes us human:
every tears drop (for better or worse);
every sadness;
every happiness;
every broken heart;
everytime you fall in love;
everytime you down;
everytime you get up after you down;
everytime you upset;
everytime you get mad;
everytime you weak;
everytime you strong;
everytime you wanna give up;
everytime you success;
everytime you failed;
eveytime you dissapointed

what ever you feel,
what ever happen in your life, THAT'S WHAT MAKES US HUMAN.
Just enjoy the tears and laughs,
enjoy the every second in your life
And don't ever try to be perfect (cause no human is perfect)
just try to be better everyday

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Things You Should Say to Your Heart

Image taken from

Sometimes you just need to take your time and having a little conversation with your heart.
This might be things you should say to your heart:

1."Dear, heart...please be smart"
The greatest thing about eart is it CAN NOT think.
They'll do what they want to
and they'll say what they want to.

2. "I should have listen to you"
The only things we say it because they know us better than ourselves.

3. "I hate you when you make me feel like an idiot"
the so called heart-beats-your brain  situation

4. "I  believe in you"
I always remember a great quote from Paulo Coelho Book "The Alchemist"

*I forgot the real sentences in the book.I write it based on my memories*

A: "Believe in your heart"
B: "How do I know if my heart tells me the truth?"
A: "If you never lie to your heart, it won't betrayed you"

5. "Please be strong,heart"
Paulo Coelho say that "No matter how good a person is, sometimes they can hurt you and because of this we must forgive."

6. "Don't worry, you'll find another great heart"
People come and go as they like in our lives. Broken heart is a part of everyone cycle.

7. "Lead me to a great path"
I never tell you lie. I hope you will lead me to a great path where every gerat things still waiting for me

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thank you,187

Berapa jumlah buruh yang dibutuhkan agar para pemimpin memerhatikan demonstrasi  yang mereka lakukan?
Ribuan?puluh ribuan?Mungkin.
Tapi apakah jumlah pendemo yang banyak akan menjamin keberhasilan tuntutan yang mereka ajukan?
Belum tentu.
*Salah satu adegan film Made in Dagenham.Film yang terilhami dari gerakan demonstrasi pekerja perempuan di Ford Dagenham tahun 1968*

Pada tahun 1968, sebanyak 187 pekerja wanita melakukan aksi demonstrasi.
187 pekerja wanita ini adalah para penjahit jok mobil yang bekerja di salah satu perusahaan besar di Inggris, Fordagenham. Mereka menentang adanya diskriminasi terhadap kaum perempuan terutama dalam hal jumlah pendapatan.
Ford yang sudah menjadi perusahaan besar, memperkerjakan pekerja perempuan dan laki-laki dalam perusahaannya,tetapi para pekerja wanita hanya menerima kurang dari setengah penghasilan para pekerja laki-laki di sana.Padahal mereka memiliki keahlian menjahit, jumlah jam kerja yang sama dan beban kerja yang sama dengan para laki-laki.
Apa yang menyebabkan mereka mendapat penghasilan kurang dari setengah penghasilan laki-laki?
Ya,kaum yang sering kali dianggap sebagai gender ke dua di negara itu(atau mungkin di banyak negara).
Bukan kaum pekerja saja yang mendapat jumlah penghasilan seperti itu,melainkan para perempuan yang bekerja di perkantoran dan instansi pemerintah.
Jadi,demonstrasi yang dilakukan oleh para pekerja perempuan Ford Dagenham adalah sebuah tindakan yang sangat berani dan tentu saja didukung oleh perempuan lainnya.
Awalnya tindakan mereka tentu dianggap sebagai sebuah lelucon oleh banyak pihak,maklum pada saat itu kaum perempuan yang berdemontrasi memang merupakan sebuah hal baru.
Sebuah perjuangan panjang yang akhirnya bisa dilalui para pekerja wanita ini membuahkan hasil ketika akhirnya pemerintah Inggris mengabulkan tuntutan mereka.
187 perempuan luar biasa ini pun akhirnya yang membuat  equal pay act pada tahun 1970 diberlakukan di beberapa negara.
187 perempuan yang luar biasa, dan mungkin para perempuan ini lah salah satu alasan mengapa sampai sekarang kaum pekerja perempuan bisa mendapat jumlah penghasilan yang sama dengan laki-laki.
Terima kasih,para pekerja perempuan Ford Dagenham.
Thank you, each and every one of you is a hero.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Letter to Heaven


Today, it's been 3 years since you're gone.
 3 years. I still feel you’re here. I (choose to) believe that you’re still here.
And I still miss you every day.

Life is so hard since you’re gone.
I don’t like F1 like I used to be. I don’t like to watch football match anymore.
And I still met few (not good) men.
To find a man like you was so hard,Dad.
I haven’t met him yet.
WHY?It has to be that hard,Dad?
I don’t even know what love is.
Sometimes I refuse to believe there’s still love around me.
Sometimes I feel like I have (no) love..

There’s one question I really want to ask,dad:
“Have I ever make you proud?”
Having a brother and sister like them was so hard.
They’re great.
They have a great job, have a great education, have a great life.
I’m just no one. People only want to talk with them,not me.
Like I was invisible to them.

“Have I ever make you proud?”
I’m trying to be everyday,Dad.
Just give me a time.
Trust me I did my best.
Sorry, if I never make you proud.
Sorry, for sometimes I’ve been so weak.
I promise to be stronger, but please always beside me even when the dark cloud is around me.

I hope  you can give me your answer.
I know you can read my letter.
I know you’re happy up there.
But,yeah..I will be a daddy’s apple
No matter how old I am.
No matter how big I am.
I still miss you.
I just wanna hugs you tonight.Once again

Sunday, September 1, 2013


What is reality? Dr. Daniel Pierce (in Perception tv series) said “Reality is fragmen of your imagination”
We have to deal it everyday
We always preapare ourself to be strong
We did everything to be,
But in the end, it can always shocking us
No matter how much we think we’re ready

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fairy Tale Killer

Remember how our parents used to read us some great fairy tales?
I dunno if parents these days still did this.
But, my mom did, she read all the fairy tailes that her children wants to hear (or read).

Many experts said that if parents did the story telling, it will effect the children in the future. Most children will love to read a book cause their parents did so.


This princesses are very familiar to us. They're just some of the great fairy tale characters.

It's true that most (I think all) of the fairy tales has the happy ending.

Many children(especially girls) will love it. They always wondering as if they were the princess. What a great escape from the real life.

I always believe in the great and happy ending of each stories. But as I grew older, many books I've been read. and I started to know this two men.

The Brothers Grimm

They were German  academics, linguists, cultural researchers, lexicographers and authors who together collected and published folklore or fairy tales.

They have their own side story about fairy tales.
 I'll write the ending of two famous fairy tales in their version:

1. Cinderella

" When the wedding with the King's son had to be celebrated, the two false sisters came and wanted to get into favour wtih Cinderella and share her good fortune. When  the betrothed couple went to church, the elder was at the right side and the younger at the left, and the pigeons pecked out one eye of each of them. Afterwards, as they came back, the elder was at the left, and the younger at the right, and then the pigeons pecked out the other eye of each. And thus, for their wickedness and falsehood, they were punished with blindness as long as they lived'


2. Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs
"Then then the wicked women uttered a curse, and was so wretched, so uttery wretched, that she knew not what to do. At first, she would not go to the wedding at all, but she had no peace, and must go to see the young Queen. And when she knew Snow-White; and she stood still with rage and fear, and could not stir. But iron slippers had already put upon the fire, and they were bought in with tongs, and set before her. Then she was forced to put on the red-hot shoes, and dance untill she dropped down dead"

feel  shock with how the story end?
Yeah, I feel the same way too :D:D (at first)

 They collect and write their (version) fairy tales based on what the people said (witness said).
*The important thing you should remember that they were collectors, not authors of the tales

although the majority of which were not intended as children's tales. Deeply concerned by the content of some of the tales. The brothers added an introduction with cautionary advice that parents steer children toward age-appropriate stories

We should say thank you to the brothers Grimm to gives the new perspective of fairy tales.
 Things we learn from the brothers Grimm's fairy tales is :

" We do need the " fairy tale killer" inside of us, it can always reminds us that no matther how great the fairy tales, IT'S just a fantasy. We didn't live in fantasy, we live in the real world. Where something may not as good as it seems. Open up your eyes and face the real world"

Unconditional Hate


Unconditional (adj) : Without conditions or limit

Mostly we heard the phrase "Unconditional Love"
since, there always two sides of everything, if unconditional love does exist, so does with unconditional hate,  right?

well, at least that's on my mind right now.

We can hate someone with very simple reasons:

1. Hate someone cause they can not fulfill their promises
2. Cause they smoking in front of you
3. Cause their bad attitudes
4. Cause their shallow minds
and many more..

 You can hate people because you HATE them.
As simple as that

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Guilty Pleasure

Everybody has their own guilty pleasure, right?
and this is my guilty pleasure..
*my face turn into red*

1. Sm*sh
I don't like this boyband #notoffense , don't like their styles. But still when I sing their song I got the higher score: I got 99 (-___-)

2. Shirley Temple
No...this is NOT a drink!
What I mean is an actress.
Shirley Temple is my fave actress, I always watch her movies when I was a kid.

I love her curly hair and her great acting:)
I remember never missed her movies everyday

3. Gone with the wind
This is one of my fave movie of all time and yes it's another classic movie (I think I have my "old soul" in me). :D
Written by Margaret Mitchell in 1939.

4. Nyam Nyam

 I used to eat this.I had a flashback when I saw it in the market. So, I bought it:3

A simple snack is like a time machine. It can brings you to the good  old time:D

5. Where's Wally?

Wally (or also known as Waldo in US an Canada). Wally's distinctive red-and-white-striped shirt, bobble hat, and glasses. All we have to do is to find him hidden in the group.

 << Try to find him.It's quite challenging :D

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I am superhero

this entry is inspired by the documentary movie that I've watch few months ago,
called "Superhero".

Alot of things that  transform them into superhero. One of them said he just want to help the cops to get rid of the criminals (although the cops has warn them that is very very dangerous).

I do remember some of them : Vigilante Spider, Professor Midnight, Mr. Extreme, Zimmer, Zetaman, Lucio, Insignis, Z, Fool King, Super hero, Symbiote

And they do have their own costumes as signature.
Not like the "ordinary" superhero (their unreal) this superhero are real!

They have their league and helping the homeless people: give them food, blanket, etc.
For the homeless people, they are they true hero. Some of them even know their name.

But the first thing came up in my mind was
" Do we really have to do that?Do we have to go that  far?"

If you want to help you have to have you own costumes? have your own gun?
 You can be a superhero with your own way. You don't have to be as strong as Superman, Batman or Spiderman.

" It's not a costume that makes you superhero, but  things you do makes you superhero" - Mr. Extreme-

Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Rainbow Day 2.0

another day..another surprise  from SSC 10.
although it was late, I still love it.
thank's one of my fave gift :3

The birhtday gift

The birthday card

They even ask my friends to sign the card

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happy Rainbow Day

It's February 14th..they said it's valentine day. But for me, it's one of my big day to watch a fashion show..It's the first day on Indonesia Fashion Week (February 14--17 2013).

My friend,Linda invited me to apply the RSVP for Auguste Soesastro's fashion show (Auguste is an internationally well known Indonesian designer). My friend knew that I always love his details&his designs.

So, I sent an email to his email address on February 2nd and there's no reply until February 12th. A little desperation came up (February 14th is the show )

The invitation I've been waiting for
and finalllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...I received the reply by February 12th on 11 pm.
yup, I got the invitatonnnn!!
wohoooooo!! \(^0^)/

I do reallly wanna go there..
I wanna see his fashion show with my own eyes&hopefully can have a little chit chats with him..
but then I realised that I had to work..

Soooooo, I decided to throw away my selfishness, didn't go there
and keep teaching..
(Very very very sad at first tough)

And I promise to my students to give their friend a surprise too, 
and yeaaahh..we've made some noise ahaha:D:D

This is some pictures from Irvi's surprise party;D:D:D

But heiii...she's not the only one who  get the surprise...
I got it too!! (even it's not my birthday)

The 2 roses
when I open the door, my students gave me 2 beautifull roses while singing the adera's song:):)

 I don't know either that they have planning this for few days ago.
They ask to my friend(who manage the schedule) to let me teaching in their class

Isn't it so sweet?:):)

I know I may not be the best teacher for them..
But, I'll do my best to be their big sister..

love you all,SCC 10.
*bunch of love and kisses*

Monday, February 18, 2013

Waiting Outside the Lines

Who doesn't know this cute and talented boy?
People always compare him with JB.But, hei..they have their own signature (I prefer Greyson tough:D:D)

and this song, "Waiting Outside the Lines" is in my playlist for I dunno how long..
It has the simple yet very powerfull and encouragement.

I love the lyrics..It reminds me to always to take all the chances and ring out the very best I had.
I have to keep it on my mind:)

I fell so blessed that everyday I always surrounded with amazing people who always encourage me..thank you everyone:) thank you, Allah:):)

and I hope you'll enjoy this great lyric too:)
and just do your very best everyday \(^0^)/



You never enjoy your life  
Livin' inside the box 
 You're so afraid of taking chances
  How are you going to reach the top?

Rules and regulations
  Force you to play it safe 
 Get rid of all the hesitation 
 It's time for you to seize the day
Instead of just sitting around 
And looking down on tomorrow  
You gtta get your feet off the ground  
The time is now
I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting 
 I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines  
Waiting outside the lines  
Waiting outside the lines
Try to have no regrets 
 Even if it's just tonight 
 How you gonna walk ahead 
If you keep living blind
Stuck in the same position  
You deserve so much more 
 There's a whole world around us 
 Just waiting to be explored
Instead of just sitting around  
And looking down on tomorrow 
 You gotta get your feet off the ground 
 The time is now, just let it go
I don't want to have to force you to smile 
 I'm here to help you notice the rainbow 
'Cause I know what's in you is out there
I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting  
I'm waiting, waiting outside the lines 
 Waiting outside the lines 
Waiting outside the lines
I'm trying to be patient 
Each step is the hardest 
 I know you can make it  
Go ahead and take it
I'm waiting, waiting, just waiting 
 I'm waiting  
'm waiting, waiting, just waiting 
 I'm waiting,
 waiting outside the lines
Waiting outside the lines  
Waiting outside the lines
You never enjoy your life 
 Livin' inside the box  
You're so afraid of taking chances 
 How are you going to reach the top?


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Jomblo Terakreditasi

Pernah dengar kata akreditasi?pasti pernah.
Menurut KBBI, berikut adalah makna akreditasi

"ak·re·di·ta·si /akréditasi/ n 1 pengakuan thd lembaga pendidikan yg diberikan oleh badan yg berwenang setelah dinilai bahwa lembaga itu memenuhi syarat kebakuan atau kriteria tertentu; 2 pengakuan oleh suatu jawatan ttg adanya wewenang seseorang untuk melaksanakan atau menjalankan tugasnya"

Seperti yang sudah disebutkan dia atas, bahwa umumnya akreditasi diberikan untuk sebuah lemabaga pendidikan. Akreditasi ada 3 huruf mutu, yaitu: Akreditasi A, B, dan C.

Ternyata akreditasi seperti ini tidak hanya diberikan untuk lembaga pendidikan, tetapi juga untuk tingkat kejombloan seseorang..'s real!!at least, that's what my student said  LOL :D:D:D

Sama halnya dengan akreditasi yang ada, tingkatan akreditasi kejombloan seseorang pun terbagi  menjadi 3 tingkatan mutu:

1. Akreditasi A
Akreditasi ini adalah tingkatan yang diberikan bagi mereka-mereka yang merupakan seorang jomblo akut. (catatan: A= Akut)

Seseorang dapat dikategorikan dengan akreditasi seperti ini jika sudah menjadi jomblo untuk waktu yang laamaaaaaaaaa..

2. Akreditasi B
 Akreditasi ini adalah tingkatan yang diberikan bagi mereka-mereka yang baru saja berubah status menjadi jomblo. (catatan: B = Baru)

3. Akreditasi C
Akreditasi ini adalah tingkatan yang diberikan bagi mereka-mereka yang mungkin tingkat kegalauan akibat jomblonya cukup tinggi. (catatan: C= Cukup membuat sengsara)

Jadi, kalian bisa mengira-ngira sendiri sedang dalam akreditas yang mana lol:D

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


This is the latest single from Matchbox Twenty, called "Overjoyed"


and here's the lyric:

Feeling my hands start shaking
  Hearing your voice I'm overjoyed 
  I'm sorry but I have no choice  
You're only getting better
  Maybe you have your reasons 
Maybe you're scared you'll be let down  
Are you crying when there's no one around
  Then maybe, maybe if you hold me 

Baby, Let me come over
 I will tell you secrets nobody knows
  I cannot over state it, I will be overjoyed  

That smile on your face like summer  
The way that your hand keeps touching mine  
Let me be the one to make it alright 
  And maybe, maybe let me hold you 

Baby,let me come over 
I would tell you secrets nobody knows 
I cannot over state it, I will be overjoyed  

And if you want we'll share this life anytime you need a friend
 I'm gonna' be by your side  
Nobody understands you well, I do  
So maybe let me hold you baby let me come over 
I will tell you secrets God only knows 
I cannot over state it, I will be overjoyed 

  Baby let me come over  
I would tell you secrets nobody knows
  I cannot over state it
 I will be overjoyed 
  I will be overjoyed 
I will be overjoyed


everybody wants to be loved, esp. girls...
and everygirl would love to be loved like in this vid..
the lyric is so sweet yet powerfull and meaningfully
this video and this lyric are the best way to say how someone really means to you:)

Six degrees of seperation


Here's the lyric:

You've read the books,
You've watched the shows,
What's the best way no one knows, yeah,
Meditate, get hypnotized.
Anything to take from your mind.
But it won't go

You're doing all these things out of desperation,
Ohhh woah,
You're going through six degrees of separation.

You hit the drink, you take a toke.
Watch the past go up in smoke.
Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say that,
I'm better now than ever, and your life's okay
Well it's not. No
You're doing all these things out of desperation,
Ohhh woah,
You're going through six degrees of separation.

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little.

(No, no, there ain't no help, it's every man for himself)

You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too,
Anyone'll throw an arm around you, yeah
Tarot cards,
Gems and stones,
Believing all that shit is gonna heal your soul.
We'll it's not, no

You're only doing things out of desperation,
Ohhh woah,
You're goin' through six degrees of separation.

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little.

No there's no starting over,
Without finding closure,
You'd take them back,
No hesitation,
That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation

No there's no starting over,
Without finding closure,
You'd take them back,
No hesitation,
That's when you know you've reached the sixth Degree of separation

First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, Is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little.


This song is in my list for 2 months, I love the  lyric..
it's so unique how The Script describing the degrees of desperation.
it makes me realize that even a seperation has it's own degrees
I think I'm in the second degrees few weeks ago
but I don't know which degrees is the worse...