Monday, December 3, 2012

Lie to be perfect

No one in this world never lie. least once in their life did this.

Yup,we have to admitted it!
even few of them lie everyday as if they were breathing.
We caled them as the "Drama Queen"

(wait, does drama king is exist?cos I only knew the "female"...and why the negative things sometimes relates with women?)

and then few questions came up from my head:

1. Why did they do this?
the answer will be depend on the situation they deal with.
Some people lie because they wants some attention, some peoople lie because they want to be perfect cover their imperfection.

*Note: it's a big NO NO!! everybody's perfect the way they are. You just have to be true to yourself
and let your inner beauty talk! the inner beauty = your power, your ability, something you really good at.

2. How to measure a lie?
many times I heard people say "It's just a little lie".
LITTLE(I bold it) how can we know that a lie is big or little?
how we can measure it?
since we didn't know it's weight, it's measurement.

Did we measure it by the effect of a lie?
or how much people as the victims?
or maybe we measure it by their positions?
ex: if we lie to our friends= little lie and if we lie to our boss=big lie???

3. What's the colour of a lie?
People say "Oh, it's a white lie, you don't have to be worried"

There's always 2 sides of everything: if there's white there will always black..
I don't get it why we called it as "white" 

I assumed that we called it "white" when we lie for something good.
Maybe, people who said this forgot that the good and bad of somethng is very subjective.
Something good for us, maybe not for the others.

No matter the reason,  "A LIE IS STILL A LIE"

If someone can lie to theirself, they definietly can lie to others
which is I think "lying to yourself is the worst thing to do"

Just true to yourself and show your true colours :):)